Your global supplier for large industrial motors

6600 VHigh Voltage MotorsSlip ring (IC 611 + IC 616 + IC 666)Mill drives

Interchangeable main mill drive within 15 working days

Customer: Cement plant (Uganda)

In a cement plant in Uganda, the main drive of the raw mill failed. Because they had previously bought Menzel motors for many years, it was naturally to search for an available solution with short delivery time. Because the failed motor had a completely different structure as the compact Menzel motor, extensive modifications had to be undertaken to deliver the Menzel mill motor 100% interchangeable.

Mill drive technical charcateristics:

  • Type: Slip ring motor MEBSSL710-06
  • Rated Power: 5000 kW
  • Voltage: 6600 V
  • Frequency: 50 Hz
  • Poles: 6
  • Rated Speed: 992 min-1
  • Mounting: IM 1002
  • Protection: IP 55
  • Cooling: IC 611
  • Weight: 18900 kg
  • Pieces: 1