1,232 Euro apprenticeship salary
Who would have thought? The apprenticeship salary as an electronics technician for electric motors and drive technology is €1,232 per month in the 1st year of training, €1,296 per month in the 2nd year, €1,1359 per month in the 3rd year and 1,419 in the 4th year of apprenticeship.
While most young people tend to dream of a career as an influencer, there are very good opportunities with a job in the electrical trade. Let's compare both ways:
- Usually takes 5-10 years to achieve any significant success
- Puts a lot of work into social platforms without making any money
- Must constantly deal with new topics and that 24/7
- Constantly have to write new, good texts, edit graphics, take and edit photos and videos
- Always stands up to a large anonymous crowd with his own name and personal opinion
- Works mostly alone and for himself, without colleagues or a team behind
- Can't charge anything for likes and hearts at first
- According to current statistics, only 4 percent of all influencers can live off their accounts
- If you stop, you will be left with no training or qualifications
Electronics technician for machines and drive technology
- Only needs 3.5 years for the training and gets money from the 1st day
- Has a high chance of being taken on in a well-paid job afterwards
- Has regulated working hours and vacation days, receives an insurance and other benefits in addition to the salary
- Works in a team with real colleagues
- Can learn from others and share experiences
- Manual work has the advantage that you can see the result immediately
- Physical work keeps body and mind fit
- Can still apply and further develop his knowledge in 10 or 20 years
- Future-proof job, because electric motors and drives are always needed
- The understanding as an electronics technician also helps in everyday life
- And best of all: You can also become an influencer as an electronics technician!
Work according to collective labour agreement
Where do I earn the most as an apprentice? We hear this question often, because everyone dreams of financial freedom and wants to get rich as quickly as possible. For this you need good and constant sources of income. The training allowance and later salary are such sources. An advantage that should not be underestimated is the linking of the trainee's salary to a collective labour agreement. Most trade and repair businesses in Germany are organized in labor unions.
That means that training conditions, such as weekly working hours, annual leave, special payments, subsidies and takeover regulations are regulated in a collective agreement. With such a contract, apprentices and employees are usually better off compared with jobs in the so-called "free" economy. Somehow or other, the financial aspect should not be underestimated when choosing a career!
Straight into a job as a specialist after training?
We train young talents in order to keep them as specialist in our electric motor plant. This is important in our industry and our top priority. Usually, the training is very intense and means a large investment on the part of the training company. While it happens in other companies that trainees are only seen as "cheap" temporary workers for a short time, we are looking for future employees, colleagues.
And when it comes to salary, the apprenticeship is far from over. With increasing experience and development, the salary can also increase. One possibility would be e.g., obtaining the master craftsman's diploma. In his interview on apprenticeship at MENZEL, Kurz Menzel describes how diverse the job can be.
Application checklist - your application should contain the following:
Your contact data
A brief letter with an introduction about yourself and an explanation of why you are interested in an apprenticeship with MENZEL Elektromotoren in Berlin
Tabular CV with specifications regarding your education, as well as further training, placements, interests, hobbies, etc.
The last two school reports
Placement certificates
A photo of you (optional)
Shape the future with us and become part of our MENZEL team
Can you imagine yourself working with us and being a useful part of the team? Then we look forward to receiving your application.
Please note that knowledge of the German language and a residency permit are required!
You can upload your application documents directly here. However, make sure that you combine your attachments including cover letter into one file if possible.
In each case, please confirm beforehand that you have read and understood our data protection statement and agree to the use of your personal data. Please enter your personal contact details in the following form so that we can give you feedback on your application.